I've never looked forward to Friday's quite the same way as I do at institute. Plus the use of an acronym was pretty appropriate considering that we speak in acnronyms constantly at TFA(Teach for America.) We work with our Co Labs(Collaboratives) in the day to teach lessons then later we go to CS(curriculum specialist) sessions or maybe a LS(literacy specialist session.) Or on Friday we go to DCA(Diversity, Culture and Achievement) to talk about race, poverty and other issues in our classrooms. And every day we get to spend time with our lovely CMA(core member advisor) Joey and learn all about math stuff. If we don't do a good job of being on time and learning all the acronyms for teaching MOCCA, FEVR, and more then we get put on a CMIP(Core member improvement plan). If we have time to think of anything other than teaching we might develop an IC(Institute Crush). Okay I have to admit, I have developed an Institute Crush but it's a secret. Then at night after we ride the school bus back we have LPC(lesson planning clinics) and hopefully we finish up our drafts before midnight so that we have time to sleep a little before starting all over. We have no time for anything here. Even going to the bathroom is a rush becuase there is a huge line in the tiny breaks we get to run from our classes we teach to the classes we take to learn how to teach. We are always learning what to do one or two days before we need it if we are lucky, afterwards if we are not.
I think in this grand rush we don't even have enough time to say the words all the way, we speak in TFA code all the time. Even if it's not acroyms we are so indoctrinated with the language of "working relentlessly" towards "big goals" and schafolding instruction to meet the kids where they are at that everything we talk about is in this language.
A simple beach volleyball game email turns into a five step lesson plan format.
We are living, breathing speaking teaching, oozing our our pours. I would say that we are sleeping teaching but most people aren't really sleeping except ocassionally on the bus or in a class that gets boring. I've managed to do better than almost anyone but it's because this is the first time in my life that I have turned in less than my best work or just decided not to do something and make up excuses about it. Sleeping is a fundamental human need and I will sacrafice my summer for these kids(man I already love them) but I can't give up my sleep. It's mine and I at least should be entitled to that basic human need. I feel like a slacker though because I only work from 6:00 to 10:30 straight every day no breaks, not even on the bus, or at dinner and on Saturday and Sunday too.
I did go to the beach today to body surf, my first personal time since last Sunday. I love the waves, you can't really think about anything in them, only the waves breathing, staying afloat, the power and calmness of the ocean. It's the only thing that could really calm me down.
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