Thursday, July 20, 2006


For a few days there had been whispered rumors. Other TFA institutes had recieved a special half day off. We thought that yesterday might be it. It was Wednesday of the third week, exactely half way through the year. We were dissapointed when we had to stay until 4:30 at the school in sessions theoretically learning how to not suck.
This morning we still had high hopes. On the bus someone casually asked the bus driver what time he was picking us up that afternoon. He must have been confused when his reply of 1;30 was met with such enthusiam. He had no idea that three extra hours could mean so much to a group of teachers.
When we left the school we were met with even more surprises. Not only did we get the afternoon off but a whole bunch of activities had been planned. YOu could tell that the planners had been through Institute because they picked some really appropriate treats. As we got off the bus we were greeted by a line of massage tables. Free professional massages, tips highly encouraged. I was pretty excited, since I havn't found someone to trade backrubs with here. They had snow cones and cotton candy. To satisfy our desparate need to play they arranged soccer games, hip hop dancing volleyball and Tai Bo. Exercising and back rubs felt so good. Some kids just went and curled up in a ball in their room and slept but I was awake enough to enjoy it.
Sometimes it takes a lot of hard work to really appreciate life. If I had free time all the time I don't think I coudl get this much joy out of it.
Friday we are having our Vegas social. The people from our region are visiting and we are going on a Krunk Kruise, which involves getting on a boat and getting drunk. I think I'm making some major friends by being DD- everyone is pretty ready to get wasted.Plus the Vegas motto, on our TFA t-shirts is, "we work as hard as we play."


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